Frequently Asked Questions
What about busing to and from Holy Redeemer?
The transportation department of your home public school district handles all bus matters. We currently have busing from the following districts- Crestwood, Dallas, Hanover, Lake Lehman, Nanticoke, Northwest, Pittston Area, Wilkes-Barre Area, Wyoming Area and Wyoming Valley West. Click here for district transportation contact information.
What is the tuition and/or what is the process for Financial Assistance?
Contact Mrs. Alicia Busch in the Finance Office for a full explanation. Call (570) 829-2424 and ask for finance.
How do I set-up or use my Cafeteria Account for lunch?
Contact Mrs. Alicia Busch in the Finance Office for a full explanation. Call (570) 829-2424 and ask for finance.
How do I arrange a school visit, tour or shadowing day for my child?
Contact Mrs. Miller in the Guidance Department to make arrangements. Call (570) 829-2424.
How do I learn more about the Voucher program for tuition reduction?
The main school number (570) 829-2424 and ask for Mrs. Patti James our voucher program coordinator.
For any other questions please call the main office and Mrs. Evans or Mrs. Cormier will help you. Thank you.